Excludes field with defined originName
from processing.
Note that a field have to be added in DataCaster
instance before.
This method is chainable.
Excluding fields can be useful with scenarios when you don't want to send to server some properties of objects that you have got from it earlier.
Let's imagine that we received from server user with two special fields: createdAt
and updatedAt
So, these fields we can only read, not edit and change. They are some kind of service data.
Consider the case in which we need to change, let's say, user's name:
import { DataCaster } from '@daminort/data-caster';
// user data from server
const serverUser = {
id: 1,
name: 'John Snow',
createdAt: '2019-08-22T16:40:24',
updatedAt: '2019-09-02T10:45:37',
// we can't fully omit service data, so we have to use some extra functions
const dc = new DataCaster()
// ...
// somewhere in codebase
const adapt = (rawData) => dc
const clientUser = adapt(serverUser);
// clientUser
id: 1,
name: 'John Snow',
createdAt: Thu Aug 22 2019 16:40:24 GMT+0300,
updatedAt: Mon Sep 02 2019 10:45:37 GMT+0300,
Now we are changing user data and send it to server in order to save it in the database, but without service data:
clientUser.name = 'King John Snow';
const preparedUser = dc.revert(clientUser);
// preparedUser
id: 1,
name: 'King John Snow',